Bonded Tendons

Bonded tendons are located inside oval-shaped galvanized ducts that are filled with cement grout post-tensioning. Therefore, when a tendon is severed, its free end will become de-tensioned after a short time, but after a short transmission length, the full tendon force will be effective. The distance is in the range of 800 to 1000 mm. The present quality assurance methods and supervision ensure that the tendons have been grouted appropriately after prestressing. In cases requiring penetration with a bonded tendon termination, the procedure is the same as for a fully reinforced structure.

Cuts through a bonded post-tensioned tendon have the same structural properties as cuts through conventional reinforcement. As with conventional reinforcement, the tendon must be ‘terminated’ in order to provide complete corrosion protection. Tendons are easily cut with a disc cutter. It takes less effort to cut tendons than to cut a fully reinforced slab because of the limited amount of reinforcement material to be removed.

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