Banded Slab

This system is used for structures where spans in one direction are predominant. It is also a very common system due to minimum material costs as well as relatively simple formwork. In most circumstances, the width of the band beam is chosen to suit the standard sizes of the formwork. The sides of the band can be either square or tapered for a more attractive result. The band beam has a relatively wide, shallow cross-section which reduces the overall depth of the floor while permitting longer spans. This concrete section simplifies the formwork and permits services to easily pass under the beams.

The post-tensioned tendons are not interwoven leading to fast installation and decreased cycle time. The band beam system has another advantage that is not widely appreciated. In most circumstances depending on the actual geometry of the cross-section, the beam can be considered as a two-way slab for fire rating and shear design. This enables considerable economies to be achieved in both post-tensioning and reinforcement quantities.

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